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Development of bottled Water Industry

Updated:2013-10-21 17:01:59source:http://en.sbwexpo.comClick:
Core prompt:The bottled water industry boom began in the early 1980s and the industry has had significant growth since then The industry has continued its rapid growth over the past two decades with a recent slowdown in sales in 2008 and 2009
Development of bottled Water Industry
The bottled water industry boom began in the early 1980s and the industry has had significant growth since then. The industry has continued its rapid growth over the past two decades with a recent slowdown in sales in 2008 and 2009.
A number of factors have contributed to the growth in consumption of bottled water. Many people drink bottled water because they prefer the taste to that of tap water or perceive it to have more purity. As consumers focus on healthy-eating with a significant emphasis on sufficient hydration, bottled water is seen as a natural product and a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.
Greater portability and accessibility of bottled water has also contributed to increased demand. The boom in the consumption of bottled water has moved the product beyond the niche market and into the mainstream as bottled water has become a basic staple for many Countries.
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