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Top Ten Most Expensive Bottled Water

Updated:2014-08-28 09:22:49source:http://en.sbwexpo.comClick:
Core prompt:We all know that water is an essential life source and is good for us There are some very good reason to drink lots of water because water can help us with weight loss, heart healthy, energy, headache cure, digestive problems, cleansing, cancer risk and

8. Lauquen Artes Mineral Water What is special about this bottle of water?

Lauquen is one of the leading international premium bottled water brands.

The water is sourced from an aquifer with a depth of 1,500 feet.

This aquifer is located in a remote part of the Andes Mountains. Can you get one of these bottles?

Well they are selling only to the finest hotels, restaurants and wine bars.

Most expensive bottled water in the world top 10 with prices luxury gourmet table water bottle


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